"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" by Kevin M Wilson / Ape Meets Girl - Hero Complex Gallery

Kevin M Wilson

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" by Kevin M Wilson / Ape Meets Girl

  • Screen Print
  • Limited Edition of 300
  • Approximately 24" x 36"


Hero Complex Gallery is delighted to present a new collection of artwork to coincide with what is normally the launch of our con season, including the long-awaited next installment of Kevin M. Wilson / Ape Meets Girl's Harry Potter screen print series!

Kevin completed this piece many months ago, knowing that he would have to undergo invasive heart surgery for a leaking heart valve and would be unable to create new works during his recovery. Fortunately, the surgery went well and he's on his way to recovery... BUT he is not through the woods yet... so please send as many words of encouragement and friendship as possible his way, he could really use the support right now.

Here's to a speedy recovery Kevin, we heart you!


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